Travelling by train

Travelling by train

Презентация на тему Travelling by train к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Слайд #2

First people plan their travelling. People choose the way of their travelling. People choose a kind of transport.

Слайд #3

Then people book and buy tickets at the booking-office.

Слайд #4

When people travel they put their things into the suitcase.

Слайд #5

When people go somewhere for a long time they take some suitcases. Many suitcases are called a luggage.

Слайд #6

At home people pack their things into a suitcase.

Слайд #7

Parents are helping their son pack his things into a suitcase.

Слайд #8

On the start day of travelling people take a bus. People go to the railway station to catch a train.

Слайд #9

At the railway station people can sit in the waiting-room for some time.

Слайд #10

People can read a book or a magazine at the railway station.

Слайд #11

People can look at the time-table of the trains.

Слайд #12

Then people go to the platform.

Слайд #13

When people find their carriage they get on the train.

Слайд #14

Friends see their relatives or their friends off.

Слайд #15

If their luggage is heavy or big people call a porter. The porter helps people carry their luggage.

Слайд #16

On the platform people look for their carriage.

Слайд #17

In the carriage people find their compartment.

Слайд #18

In the compartment people take their seats.

Слайд #19

The seats in the compartment are very comfortable.

Слайд #20

In the compartment passengers can sleep, read, sit, talk, look out of the train window, listen to the radio.

Слайд #21

During the stops other passengers can get on the train.

Слайд #22

Passenger trains have got a dining-car.

Слайд #23

Passengers can enjoy their meals in the dining car during their travelling.

Слайд #24

Tasty meals in the dining car make passengers’ travelling enjoyable.

Слайд #25

When the way is over passengers get off the train.