Презентация на тему Машины к уроку по английскому языку
Презентация по слайдам:
Слайд #1
Rolls-Royce Frederick Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls invented the models of the cars. They called them Rolls-Royce.
Слайд #2
Ford Henry Ford founded Ford Motor Company in 1903.
Слайд #3
Chevrolet Louis Joseph Chevrolet founded his company with his name in 1911.
Слайд #4
Творческий проект выполнил Зайков Роман Ученик 4А класса МОУ СОШ №5 п. Яшкино Кемеровской области
Слайд #5
Cadillac Antoine de la Mothe Cadillak was a French who founded Detroit in 1701. In 1902 Henry Leland gave his name to the well known company.
Слайд #6
Chrysler In 1923 Walter Chrysler named the first car of his company by his name.
Слайд #7
Lincoln Henry Leland founded his own firm and gave it the name of the American President Lincoln
Слайд #8
Cars’ names
Слайд #9
There are many kinds of cars in the world. But not all people know the history of their names.
Слайд #10
Aston Martin Lionel Martin and Robert Barnford made their first automobile in 1914. They call it Aston Martin after the win in car races at Aston Clinton hill.
Слайд #11
Bentley In 1919 Walter Owen Bentley called his firm by his name.
Слайд #12
Vauxhall In 1857 Alexander Wilson founded the firm Vauxhall. Vauxhall is a district in London.
Слайд #13
Dodge John and Horatio Dodge had a small shop of car parts. In 1914 they founded a carfirm Dodge Brothers..
Слайд #14
Daimler In 1897 Gottlieb Daimler, a German inventor, made a car in Great Britain. He gave it his name.