The Mikhailovsky Palace. Russian Museum

The Mikhailovsky Palace. Russian Museum

Презентация на тему The Mikhailovsky Palace. Russian Museum к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Russian Museum автор Лесакова Е.Н. учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №180

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Mikhailovsky Palace

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The palace was built for the youngest son of Paul I Grand Duke Mikhail

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Grand Duke Mikhail

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The palace was built after the design of the architect Carlo Rossi

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The State Russian museum was inaugurated in the palace in 1898

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The collection of the State Russian Museum amounts to 400.000 exhibits of paintings, graphic art, sculpture,decorative and fork art

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Benois Block

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The high railing is one of the best examples of wrought-iron work in St-Petersburg.

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The granite staircase with bronze lions leads to the doors of the palace.

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The Mikhailovsky Garden is full of flowers.