Pakrour – Urban Life Style

Pakrour – Urban Life Style

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Слайд #1

PARKOUR – Urban Life Style Автор: Ваганов Александр МОУ СОШ № 17 г. Ковров Руководитель: Баландина М.А.

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What is Parkour? Parkour is about moving in a way in which you don’t let anything stop you moving through your environment and overcoming any obstacles that come in your path.

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When did Parkour appear? Parkour was created in France by David Belle and Sebastien Foucan in 1988.

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“Rush Hour” “Rush Hour” Parkour became popular with the help of “Rush Hour”, a short film for BBC ONE. The film shows parkour’s founder, David Belle, running across the rooftops of London, leaping from building to building to avoid the gridlocked traffic below.

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The Philosophy of Parkour Our life consists of difficulties and its overcoming means progress.

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f What can you achieve from Parkour? physical fitness mental ability friends

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Parkour - a result of adaptation to the city life.