Собеседование при поступлении в вуз или при приёме на работу. Знакомство с профессией тур оператора

Собеседование при поступлении в вуз или при приёме на работу. Знакомство с профессией тур оператора

Презентация на тему Собеседование при поступлении в вуз или при приёме на работу. Знакомство с профессией тур оператора к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Тема: Собеседование при поступлении в вуз или при приёме на работу. Знакомство с профессией тур оператора.

Слайд #2

Слайд #3

Some good advice about preparation for interview. - Go out for a walk before the interview to relax -Think about the job and write down your strengths and weakness. - Find out information about the company. -Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early. - Speak up and express yourself clearly. - Sit down or get up when they ask you to. - Make up information about yourself. - Sit up straight and maintain eye contact.

Слайд #4

People asking the interviewer to repeat or explain something. (polite or not)

Слайд #5

On the first day in a job: be friendly don’t wear very informal clothes or heavy make-up be rind and co-operative don’t share very personal information – you don’t know who you are talking to don’t try to make friends with your boss listen rather than speak – learn as much as possible about your job and the company work hard and don’t spent too much time chatting or resting keep your desk tidy at all times don’t argue with anyone

Слайд #6

Слайд #7

Fill in the form Name: Surname: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Have you ever been abroad? (If yes, where) Would you have anything to declare? How would you like to rest? (Active? ) What would you like to watch? For what period will you stay?

Слайд #8

The best advise given to the young is: Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it. British journalist