A Book on C: Programming in C 4th Edition by Al Kelley, Ira Pohl

A Book on C: Programming in C 4th Edition by Al Kelley, Ira Pohl

Beginners and professional programmers alike will benefit from the numerous examples and extensive exercises developed to guide readers through each concept. Step-by-step dissections of program code illuminate the correct usage and syntax of C language constructs and reveal the underlying logic of their application. The clarity of exposition and format of the book make it an excellent reference on all aspects of C. Highlights of A Book on C, Fourth Edition: * New and updated programming examples and dissectionsthe authors9 trademark technique for illustrating and teaching language concepts. * Recursion is emphasized with revised coverage in both the text and exercises. * Multifile programming is given greater attention, as are the issues of correctness and type safety. Function prototypes are now used throughout the text. *Abstract Data Types, the key concept necessary to understanding objects, are carefully covered. * Updated material on transitioning to C++, including coverage of the important concepts of object-oriented programming. * New coverage is provided on transitioning from C to Java. * References to key programming functions and C features are provided in convenient tab