Java J2EE Job Interview Companion, Second Edition by Arulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai, Sivayini Arulkumaran

Java J2EE Job Interview Companion, Second Edition by Arulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai, Sivayini Arulkumaran

400+ Java/J2EE Interview questions with clear and concise answers for: job seekers (junior/senior developers, architects, team/technical leads), promotion seekers, pro-active learners and interviewers. Lulu top 100 best seller. Increase your earning potential by learning, applying and succeeding. Learn the fundamentals relating to Java/J2EE in an easy to understand questions and answers approach. Covers 400+ popular interview Q&A with lots of diagrams, examples, code snippets, cross referencing and comparisons. This is not only an interview guide but also a quick reference guide, a refresher material and a roadmap covering a wide range of Java/J2EE related topics. More Java J2EE interview questions and answers & resume resources at