Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

Презентация на тему Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Слайд #2


Слайд #3

S. YA. Marshak is the author of well-known, loved by children poems. Marshak translated a lot of poems from English into Russian. And these poems we know and remember from childhood.

Слайд #4

Two little kittens, one stormy night, Began to quarrel, and then to fight. “I’ll have that mouse!” said the bigger cat. “You’ll have that mouse? We’ll see about that!”

Слайд #5

“I WILL HAVE THAT MOUSE,” SAID THE OLDER ONE. “You shan’t have the mouse,” said the little one. I told you before ‘twas a stormy night, When these two little kittens began to fight. The old woman seized her sweeping broom, And swept the two kittens right out of the room.

Слайд #6

Слайд #7

Слайд #8

Слайд #9

Слайд #10

The House That Jack Built This is the house that Jack built. This is the corn, That lay in the house that Jack built

Слайд #11

Слайд #12

Слайд #13

Слайд #14

Слайд #15

Слайд #16

Дом, который построил Джек

Слайд #17

Вот дом, Который построил Джек А это пшеница, Которая в тёмном чулане хранится В доме Который построил Джек

Слайд #18

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Слайд #22

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Слайд #25

Слайд #26

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Слайд #30

Слайд #31

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Слайд #33

Слайд #34

Слайд #35

Слайд #36

Федотова Ирина Владимировна Школа 638 г. С.-Пб 2010г.