В гостях у сказки

В гостях у сказки

Презентация на тему В гостях у сказки к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Слайд #2

[h], [h], [h] [n], [n], [n] [z], [z], [z] [ei], [ei], [ei] [v ], [ v], [v] [f ], [ f ], [ f] [k ], [k ], [ k] [ g ], [ g ], [ g ] [ai], [ai], [ai] [m], [m], [m]

Слайд #3

Слайд #4

Слайд #5

One, one, one. Little dog run! Two, two, two. Cats see you. Three, three, three. Bids in the tree. Four, four, four. Frogs on the floor. One, one, one-please, dogs, run! Two, two, two-cats, run, too! Three, three, three-tigers, run to me! Four, four, four-monkeys, touch the door! Five, five, five-please, birds, fly!

Слайд #6

Why do you cry Willy? Why do you cry? Why Willy? Why Willy? Why? Ssss! It’s snake. Zzzz! It’s a bee. Sh! It’s she. Bump! It’s me.

Слайд #7

He likes to read, He likes to play, He likes to study every day. He likes to jump, He likes to run, He likes to play, It’s fun.

Слайд #8

5 4 3 1 7 6 2

Слайд #9

Dog, clock, monkey, frog, guitar, music, fox, crocodile, brave, black, bad, nice, pig, duck, bee, snake, swim, fly, hen, green, run,cat.

Слайд #10

Слайд #11

Слайд #12

1. I, brave, am, strong, not. 2. Dog, my, cunning, strong, is, and. 3.You, swim, can, sing, and? 4. red, black, the, is, cat. 5. can, jump, rabbit, the. 6. big, dog, is, fat, his, and. 7. duck, grey, big, a, swim, can.

Слайд #13

1. It is not big. It is small. It can jump. It can swim. It is green. It lives in the river 2. It is not small. It is big. It can run. It can’t jump. It can fly. It is grey 3. It is not small. It lives in the house. It can climb, run and jump. It can be grey, white, brown and orange. 4. It is big. It lives in the river. It can swim. It can’t climb. It is green. 5. It is not big. It is small. It lives in the house. It can run. It is grey. It says «Pee-pee, pee» 6.It is big. It is not small. It lives in the forest. It is brown.

Слайд #14

Help! Help! He is strong and brave. He is funny. He has a long nose. He can swim, sing and run. He lives in the forest. He likes his home.

Слайд #15

Raise your head Jump up high Wave your hand And say «Good bye!»