Презентация по английскому языку Thanksgiving Day

Презентация по английскому языку Thanksgiving Day

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Слайд #1

Презентация Семёновой Анастасии 11А
Thanksgiving Day

Слайд #2

November 26 in the United States celebrate a public holiday - Thanksgiving Day. This is one of the most popular holidays in the country.

Слайд #3

Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1621 by English colonists living in the Plymouth Colony. The previous winter was very hard and hungry, the new winter also promised the colonists little good.

Слайд #4

Then Governor William Bradford decided to raise the spirit of his subordinates and organized the first Thanksgiving Day. The holiday was jointly celebrated by British colonists and their Indian neighbors, thanks to whose help the Plymouth colony survived the first winter of hunger.

Слайд #5

On Thanksgiving Day, Americans are trying to feed and somehow please their neighbors who are unlucky in life.

Слайд #6

On the first holiday, colonists and Indians roasted and jointly ate four turkeys shooted in the nearby forest. Since then, turkey and Thanksgiving Day have become synonymous, poultry farmers feed turkeys especially for this holiday.