Image of an engineer in the XXI century

Image of an engineer in the XXI century

Презентация на тему Image of an engineer in the XXI century к уроку по английскому языку

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Tomsk Polytechnic University Image of an engineer in the XXI century Made by Shilova E.V. Group 938T1 Tomsk 2011

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Content Education Personal qualities Appearance Conclusion

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Engineer in the 21 st century is a creative and developing personality who can be active and show initiative in a modern world. Modern engineer is not longer an old man with a beard and big glasses. So what is it?

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Education Requirements for the modern engineer is very high. The engineer must have a complete higher education.

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Today is a very large choice of specialties and anyone can find their place in the tech world. Study of engineering sciences is necessary and very interesting.

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Personal qualities The main qualities of the modern engineer is the self-confidence, hard work, perseverance, ability to defend their point of view, beautifully and intelligently speak. Creativity is also required. You need to attract attention with new and interesting ideas.

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Appearance It doesn’t matter what century now, always meet in garment. Good appearance means a lot and makes you more confident.

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Nice neat hair, business suit, comfortable and beautiful shoes, business and attractive smile – is the main part of the engineer.

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Modern engineer is a young, energetic and creative person who can promote technological progress to a new stage of development.. Conclusion

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