Changing family and partnership behaviour: Common trends and persistent diversity across Europe

Changing family and partnership behaviour: Common trends and persistent diversity across Europe

Презентация на тему Changing family and partnership behaviour: Common trends and persistent diversity across Europe к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Changing family and partnership behaviour: Common trends and persistent diversity across Europe

Слайд #2

The plan of our presentation 1. Introduction 2. The gradual retreat of marriage 3. The rise of cohabitation and the diversity of cohabiting unions 4. Rising divorce rates 5. The declining importance of marriage for childbearing and childrearing 6. Conclusion

Слайд #3


Слайд #4

The gradual retreat of marriage Couples are marrying at later ages Growing numbers of marriages are ending in divorce Consensual unions have increasingly replaced marriage among younger people

Слайд #5

Period total first marriage rates in different regions of Europe

Слайд #6

The proportion of married people has declined rapidly, especially among men and women under age 30. Before Now

Слайд #7

Proportion of women and men married at ages 20 – 30 in selected countries of Europe

Слайд #8

The rise of cohabitation and the diversity of cohabiting unions   The character and stability of cohabitation vary greatly between individuals, between countries, and over time.

Слайд #9

Cohabitation may eventually become a ‘marriage-like’ relationship, it is still not a complete substitute for marriage

Слайд #10

Total divorce rates in selected countries of Europe

Слайд #11

The declining importance of marriage for childbearing and childrearing VS.

Слайд #12

Mean age at first birth and at first marriage among women in selected European countries

Слайд #13

Percentage of children born outside marriage in selected countries

Слайд #14
