Astrakhan benefactors

Astrakhan benefactors

Презентация на тему Astrakhan benefactors к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация по слайдам:

Слайд #1

Panchenko Anna XIX – н. XX в.в.

Слайд #2

Varvatsi Ivan Andreevich 1743-1825

Слайд #3

Varvatsievski canal (1744-1817)

Слайд #4

Monument to I.A. Varvatsi from people of Astrakhan Varvatsievskii canal

Слайд #5

Hospital for widows and orphans on the Parobic hill (1792)

Слайд #6

The bell-tower in the Assumption Cathedral of the Astrakhan Kremlin(1809-1909) A marble slab in the Kremlin

Слайд #7

Sapozhnikov Peter Semenovich(1762-1828) Alexander Petrovich(1786-1827) Alexander Alexandrovich(1827-1887)

Слайд #8

Leonardo Da Vinci. The Benois Madonna. 1478

Слайд #9

The Repin Ivan Akimovich and Appolon Akimovich The Krupskaya regional scientific library

Слайд #10

The Gubin Alexander Ivanovich Ivan Ivanovich 1846-1907 1843-1913

Слайд #11

Elizabethan orphanage 1896-1898 Alms-house for old craftsmen 1904

Слайд #12

St.Vladimir Cathedral Protection of the Virgin church 1877-1885

Слайд #13

One of the building of the Astrakhan State university (former Vorobyov commercial college) Vorobyov Konstantin Petrovich

Слайд #14

Polyclinic in Admiralteyskaya street (the building belonged to K.P. Vorobyov)

Слайд #15

A memorial stone to famous benefactors: K.P.Vorobyov, the Gubin brothers I.I.,A.I. and A.I., A.A.Repin, M.F.Phyodorov

Слайд #16

Dogadin Pavel Mikhailovich-the founder of Astrakhan Picture Gallery.

Слайд #17

The Astrakhan State Picture Gallery named after P.M. Dogadin Vision to the youth called Varpholomey