

Презентация на тему Husky к уроку по английскому языку

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Слайд #1

Work done by Vitalia Vanicheva. 4v  class School № 611 Husky

Слайд #2

♥♥♥ My favorite animal is Husky

Слайд #3

Husky always have got blue eyes. They have a very serious look.

Слайд #4

From birth they are very brave. They live in the north, and so they have to adapt to the harsh climate. And when the little puppies grow up they start to work in teams. Husky puppies

Слайд #5

But often Huskies live in people's homes and certainly not in the north( People give birth to them as a friend) These dogs are very kind. They are really very good friends)

Слайд #6

Thank you for Attention .