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Презентация по английскому языку "Единство в разнообразии"

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Слайд #1

Государственное бюджетное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Воронежской области «Бутурлиновский механико-технологический
Подготовила: студентка ТЗ-31 группы
Солоха Екатерина Николаевна
Преподаватель: Смольянинова Людмила Николаевна
National Georgian kitchen.

Слайд #2

Do you Know anything about Georgia?

Слайд #3

Georgia is a beautiful country with
an interesting culture and traditions.

Слайд #4

I am going
to tell you
about national Georgian kitchen.

Слайд #5

Everybody who was in Georgia loves it
very much. It is a hospitable and «tasty» country. Men like meat dishes and women and children appreciate a great number of different kinds of sweets. All dishes have perfect flavor and are always served in an usual way.

Слайд #6

This is a crumpet MCHUDY.
Mchudy is a traditional dish for western Georgia which is made from corn flour and a special kind of millet.

Слайд #7

There are different kinds of starters in Georgia . These are variable kinds of salad from vegetables and spices. They are prepared fresh ,boiled , fried, baked, stewed or marinated.
It is made from fresh spinach.
It is made from red beans.
Badridzhany – eggplant rolls.
It is made from grapes leaves and stuffed with meat.

Слайд #8

Sauce and gravy.
They are interesting and tasty. Georgians add them in all dishes. As for tourists they love such sauce as “Bazhe” and “Adzhika”.

Слайд #9

First courses.
It is served in a cold season. There is a tradition not to eat Khashy alone and even in a family circle. Guests should be invited to eat this kind of soup.
It is national Georgian soup made from beef and rice. Walnut and sour cream are added to this kind of soup.

Слайд #10

Georgian dessert.

Слайд #11

In Georgia wine-making is widely spread. There is a great number of different kinds of wine.
The strongest alcohol drink is Chacha. It is moonshine made from grapes cake.

Слайд #12

is a traditional party table where you can see all Georgian culture of meal. Supra includes a big abundance of national dishes and much wine. Georgians dance, sing and have a fun during some hours.

Слайд #13

Georgian kitchen is famous all over the world. It is famous with its table where there is a lot of different dishes. It is difficult to separate out a particular dish. They are all specious , tasty and perfect.

Слайд #14

Thank you for your attention!

Слайд #15

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