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Книги. Программирование - страница 41
Building Scalable and High-Performance Java Web Applications Using J2EE Technology by Greg Barish
Building Mobile Applications with Java: Using the Google Web Toolkit and PhoneGap by Joshua Marinacci
Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML & CSS: Start Building Websites Like a Pro! by Ian Lloyd
Bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC by Pieter van der Westhuizen
Java. Промышленное программирование. И.Н. Блинов, В.С. Романчик
Learn BlackBerry 10 App Development A Cascades-Driven Approach by Anwar Ludin
BlackBerry For Dummies by Robert Kao, Dante Sarigumba
Bitter Java by Bruce A. Tate
Bitcoin Essentials by Albert Szmigielski
Big Data Glossary: A Guide to the New Generation of Data Tools by Pete Warden
Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop by Vignesh Prajapati
Big Data Analytics Made Easy by Y. Lakshmi Prasad
Beginning Java EE 6 with GlassFish 3, 2nd Edition by Antonio Goncalves
Beginning JavaFX by Lawrence PremKumar, Praveen Mohan
Ivor Horton's Beginning Java, Java 7 Edition by Ivor Horton
Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs: for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch by Chris Dannen, Christopher White